How to enhance training speed in TensorFlow

TensorFlow “fit” method is used to fit a model to training data. but it could be a slow process.

Saman .E

4 Min read

TensorFlow “fit” method is used to fit a model to training data. The fit method trains a model on the training data by updating the model parameters so that the model predictions are as close as possible to the true target values in the training data. This process is called model fitting or model training. The fit method adjusts the model parameters to minimize a ...

How to write our own Grid search in bash script

Grid Search is a model hyperparameter tuning technique in machine learning.

Saman .E

4 Min read

Grid Search can be seen as an exhaustive search for the optimal set of hyperparameters. It is computationally expensive and is usually used when the number of hyperparameters is relatively small. To overcome the computational cost ...

Batch Normalization in deep learning

Batch Normalization is a technique in deep learning used to normalize the inputs of each layer in a network.

Saman .E

3 Min read

Batch Normalization is a widely used technique in deep learning to improve the training stability and performance of neural networks. It works by normalizing the activations of each layer in the network, which helps to reduce the internal covariate shift and the chances of overfitting. Advantages of using Batch Normalization...

Schedule learning rate in deep-learning

This technique can help to improve the stability and accuracy of the model.

Saman .E

2 Min read

A scheduled learning rate refers to a strategy for dynamically changing the learning rate during the training process. The schedule is set in advance and is used to control the magnitude of...

GAN-On Tabular Data (Example with code)

A complete example of implementing GAN to Generate tabular synthetic data in Python

Saman .E

3 Min read

how to implement a GAN using TensorFlow and generate fake tabular data from real data; 1-Define the generator model: The generator model is a neural network that takes a random...