leave-out Vs KFold

In this article, we review the difference between the leave-out and Kfold cross-validation in machine learning.

Saman .E

4 Min read

Splitting a dataset is a common practice in machine learning to avoid overfitting the model to the training data and to evaluate the models generalization performance on unseen data. Typically, a random split is made with a fixed ratio (e.g., 80% for training and 20% for testing) or a predefined number of folds (k) for cross-validation. ...

Splitters in Machine learning

splitter is a function or module used to split a dataset into two or more subsets.

Saman .E

4 Min read

The most common type of splitter is the train-test splitter, which divides the dataset into two subsets: the training set and the test set. The training set is used to train the machine learning model, while the test set is used to evaluate the performance of the trained model. Typically, the training set is ...

Multitask learning (MTL)

Multitask learning (MTL) is a machine learning approach that involves training a model to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.

Saman .E

5 Min read

In traditional machine learning approaches, separate models are trained for each task, which can be computationally expensive and lead to overfitting due to the limited amount of data available for each task. ...

Parameters Vs. Hyperparameter

Parameters Vs. Hyperparameter in Machine learning.

Saman .E

5 Min read

Unlike model parameters, hyperparameters are not learned during the training process but rather are set by the machine learning engineer or data scientist. Hyperparameters control the ...

Process of data in Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Processing (NLP) involves transforming raw text data into a format that can be easily understood and analyzed by computers.

Saman .E

3 Min read

This process typically includes several steps, which may vary depending on the specific task and the nature of the data: **Text Preprocessing**: This step involves cleaning the text data to remove any unwanted characters, symbols, or numbers. This can include tasks like removing punctuation, converting all ...