An introduction to the Bayesian Network

Bayesian Network is a kind of Graphical model called a Directed Acyclic Graph or DAG. It means all the edges (arcs) in the graph are directed, and there are no cycles.

Saman .E

3 Min read

In the following article, I introduce some of the basic concepts of the Bayesian Network, which comes from the probability theory. I continue with the definitions of probability theory, joint probability distribution, and graph theory in the Bayesian Network.

Pre-trained Neural Network Models

In contrast to training a deep model from scratch which needs an enormous amount of training and test data, computational time, and budgets, there are pre-trained models, which we can use for different purposes.

Saman .E

3 Min read

In the following post, we will learn about the nature of the convolutional neural networks and their layers and a short example of defining transfer learning models in python with the use of the Keras library;

Feature Selection

eature selection is the procedure of selecting proper features as the machine learning model inputs.

Saman .E

3 Min read

The feature selection process is divided into supervised (considering the target feature) and unsupervised (ignoring the target) approaches. Moreover, the supervised model includes various strategies, for instance;

Bayesian Network

In this article, I will introduce the Bayesian Network and basic concepts with related equations and examples.

Saman .E

4 Min read

Bayesian network is a graphical model (DAG — Directed Acyclic Graph)based on the probability definitions and reviews the conditional dependencies between the variables and events (chance of happening an event).

Identifying Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (ML binary problem)

Identifying Antibiotic-Resistant for different Bacterian diseases is one of the most interesting real-world problems, which in most cases is a binary classification with zero and one value as the target (whether there is a resistance or not).

Saman .E

3 min read

If we want to solve this problem with machine learning models, we need a clean dataset with class labels, which would be a supervised binary classification problem. In this study, I will introduce an example of this problem and try to predict the resistance with a classifier.